Saturday, August 29, 2020

Life is a highway - Honkers

In life while traveling on a highway you will cross path with some vehicles. The people in this vehicles will honk their horn to move forward. The way they honk is divided in 3 types of honkers in life. 

First one are the silent honkers, who stay silent and travel on the single lane even though having potential to move forward they stay in their lane thinking about the vehicles behind them will collide & the Fear that honking will make the vehicle in front of them angry and would never let it pass, they stay in their lane until the vehicle on front gives them a way to move forward. This kind of people in life are the people who are to move out of their comfort zone because of their own mindset of what others might think & overthinking something even before they try.

Second one are the loud Honkers. who just honks and honks their horn until the vehicle in front gets feed up & gives some space to move forward. This kind of peoples are strong minded, aggressive towards their goals & don't care about what others might think about them, & are ready to fight for their way out from their comfort zone.

But what if the vehicle in front doesnt budge & never moves. here comes the third type, the smart honkers. this type of honkers will always try to honk their horn to clear their way to move forward, but if front vehicle doesn't move they find themselves or create some opportunity and dares to move forward. People of this kind are some kind of loud honkers but in a smart way.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Life is a Highway - Travelling vehicle

While travelling on a highway travelling vehicle are the most important thing one needs to travel through the journey to reach their destination. 

The vehicle we get is the only variable in life which is not same for everyone. Some get luxurious, some get fast, Some get economical  or an scrappy old vehicle. In Life not everyone has the same backgrounds when they are born. Someones family could be rich or middle class or from poor background. But as life passes by we make modifications in vehicle, just like we make friends, life partners, relations.

While travelling all the destinations maintaining the vehicle helps vehicle to run for long time. Just like in life it will help us to grow & to have support in our tough times. Whereas not maintaining this would causes our travel miserable or cause accidents which may stop you from moving forward towards journey.

Some prefer to live alone apart from the relations and try to save them-self's from effort of maintaining those relations. Doing so life gets hard for those as they now have to walk on a path where everyone is on the vehicle.

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